Archive | June, 2009

Feng Shui at work by Gita Rajagopal

30 Jun

Gita Rajagopal

Ms.Gita Rajagopal is a multi-faceted personality. Apart from being a Fenshui and Vaastu expert, she is also an artist and consults on interior design. She is a person with culinary skills as well and has contributed to the ‘Buzz’ with a recipe of her own.

Wealth, fame, relationships, ancestors’ blessings, children’s prosperity, knowledge, friends, career and health form the intricate mosaic of human life. Each aspiration touches upon a facet of our life that we consider important and where we would want to see improvements. How can we achieve this using Feng Shui? There are eight cures that are generally employed to enhance or lessen the effects of an area. Continue reading

Achieving the Dynamic Balance of Mind-Body by Santosh & Nita

30 Jun

Santosh & Nita, are certified by STOTT PILATES (internationally renowned for their quality of its training) and have a background in Sivananda & Iyengar Yoga. Leap Wellness Studio is Chennai’s first and only Pilates Studio offering Pilates training, both on the mat & equipment, and Functional Yoga and is located at #31, 4th Main Road, the very first left cutting off Greenways Road – very close to Chamiers. Contact: Nita: 9840072626, Santosh: 9840083340.

Haven’t you (like I often do), marvelled at the powerful grace & muscular control of skilled practitioners of ballet, Yoga & gymnastics – their apparently easy and effortless movements? How they maintain a calm and centred stillness, even in the most difficult positions that seem to defy the laws of gravity – almost as if grounded by some mysterious force within. Continue reading

Why I like Chamiers by Mansi, age 8

30 Jun


Mansi is 8 years old and studying in Lady Andal school. She is in grade four. Mansi plays competitive chess and has won some tournaments. She loves animals particularly dogs. Mansi swims,reads and spends time on the Net. Her favourite colour is purple.

Chamiers is one of my favourite places to shop and spend time in. It has so many big plants and the shop surrounded by a garden makes me feel happy. Its like Kiran aunty’s mini Amethyst and we don’t have to drive that long fom my home!!. Continue reading